Monday 25 April 2011

Asked and Answered

A guy asked me the other day what I was looking for in love. What would be the traits of my next boyfriend or husband or partner?

I found that so easy to answer.

I am not looking.

He asked why.

I found that so easy to answer.

I am not looking because I already found it once. He was the man I spent most of my life with. The one I married. The one who left me. I'm one of those lucky people who really fell in love like you do in Jane Austin books. It didn't work out but it did happen.

That was it. That was the love part of my life.

Now, it is time for the rest.

He asked if I was still just getting over it.

I found that not so easy to answer.

I don't know. I think this is just who I am now.

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