Thursday, 11 October 2007


Some people have vague moments or even a day once in a while but I like to commit to a whole week. This week and last week have been technically difficult weeks for me. At the end of the day my brain tends to do that shutting-down-to-sleep thing that laptops do.

The reason I'm prefacing my story with this _excuse_ is because my vagueness shone through last night when I dragged Giles to the latest Jodie Foster flick. The movie hasn't had great reviews but I am kinda in a JF mood since reading recently about Hinckley's reason for shooting Reagan. Plus I think she should get the chance to do some killin' and The Brave One let's her do that apparently. The other reason to see the movie is to show that we don't agree with the head of WB who said "we are no longer doing movies with women in the lead".

Gold Class cinema tickets were purchased and after a yummy dinner at South African restaurant Kelly's Bar (who specialise in delicious pork ribs), we made our way up to watch the movie. The guy who served us managed to hold back a smile when he informed me that we were 1 week early. The Brave One doesn't open until next week. That explains why I got such good seats on a Wednesday night at Gold Class. Oops.

Giles + I are agile.
We recovered.
I was a little embarrassed but we've moved on.
Don't sweat it. Blog it.

We saw Stardust instead. It's based on a book by Neil Gaiman who we are huge fans of. It's soppy in parts but overall it's an awesome fantasy movie. I'd liken it to The Princess Bride. It has an awesome cast with
Robert De Niro, Claire Danes, Nathaniel Parker, Peter O'Toole, Michelle Pfeiffer and Sienna Miller (who gets drop on her head lol). Go see it at the cinema so you get the full effect. I'll buy it as soon as it's out on DVD.

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